Colombo, G., & Prati, L.E. (2014). Maturity for Occupational Election, Social Skills and Labor Market Insertion. Brazilian Journal of Vocational Guidance, v.15, p.201-212.
Schnorr, A., Hess, Adriana B.,& Prati, L. E. (2014). The Perspective of Crack Users Regarding Their Social Reintegration after the End of Treatment in Therapeutic Communities. Psychology, v.05, p.300-311.
Vasconcellos, J., & Prati, L. E. (2013). Co-dependency in illicit drug user’s wives. Colóquio Interdisciplinary Journal of the Graduate Program in Regional Development, FACCAT , v.10, p.139-157.
Von Hohendorff, J., Paula Couto, M. C. P. de, ,& Prati, L. E. (2013). Social skills in adolescence: psychopathology and sociodemographic variables. Psychological Studies (PUCCAMP), v.30, p.151-160.
Schein, S. & Prati, L. E. (2013) The Crack User and the care network: interventions at the unified health system in southern Brazil. Problems of Psychology in the 21st century, v.6, p.55-70.
Paula Couto, M. C. P. de, Diniz, E., Prati, L. E., & Koller, S. H. (2012) A case control study of factor associated with HIV infection on Southern Brazilian Elders. Acta de Investigación Psicológica (México). , v.2, p.771-782.
Paula Couto, M. C. P. de, & Prati, L. E., Koller, S. H. (2012). Socio-behavioral characteristics of men and women living with HIV/AIDS with 50 years or more in southern Brazil. Journal Psychology and Health (PSSA), v.4, p.143-151.
Haack, K. R., Vasconcellos, J., Coiro, S. D. P., & Prati, L. E. (2012) Adolescent resilience in socially vulnerable situations. Gerais: Interinstitutional Journal of Psychology, v.5, p.270-281.
Prati, L. E., & Koller, S. H. (2011). Marital relationship and transition to co-parenting: positive psychology approach. Clinical Psychology Journal (PUCRJ), v.23, p.103-118.
Haack, K. R., Silva, R. S., Prati, L. E., & Boeckel, M. (2010). Community Intervention with Adolescent Group: Report of Experience Named Projeto EBA. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, v.44, p.65-73.
Von Hohendorff, J.,& Prati, L. E. (2010). Vocational re-guidance: Experience report of vocational guidance with High School students of teaching practices. Clinical Contexts Journal (UNISINOS) , v.3, p.51-61.
Sattler, M. K. and cols. (2010). Is a Good Relation Between In-Laws Possible?. Thinking Families Journal, v.14, p.45-62.
Levandowsky, D. C., Benetti, B., Fontoura, L. O., Von Hohendorff, J.,& Prati, L. E. (2009). Characterization of Socio-Demographic Profile of Pregnant Teenagers: Review of Brazilian Literature. Psychologica (Coimbra). , v.50, p.20-30.
Prati, L. E., Paula Couto, M. C. P. de, & Koller, S. H. (2009). Families in Social Vulnerability: Survey on Terms Used by Family Therapists. Psychology: theory and research (UnB), v.25, p.402-408.
Prati, L. E., Paula Couto, M. C. P. de, Moura, A., Poletto, M., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Revisiting the Ecological Engagement: A Proposal to Systematization. Psychology (UFRGS). , v.21, p.16- 169.
Couto, M. C. P. de P.,Prati, L. E., Falcão, D. V. da S., & Koller, S. H. (2008).Systemic Family Therapy and the Elderly: Contributions and Challenges. Clinical Psychology (PUCRJ), v.20, p.135-152.
Indursky, A., Butkus, V.,Prati, L. E., Santos, N. I. S. dos (2007). School as a Zone of Passage. Fractal: Psychology Journal (UFF), v.19, p.155-168.
Prati, L. E., & Koller, S. H. (2007). Formação em Terapia Familiar: Desafio dos Formadores. Thinking Families Journal, v.11, p.115-126.
Krug, J., Prati, L. E, & Boeckel, M (2016). Fundamentals and Practices in Service-School – Potential Training Space in Psychology. Curitiba: Juruá.
Book Chapters
Boeckel, M., & Prati, L. E. (2016). Family Genogram (1 ed., p. 136-148). In: Psicodiagnóstico. Porto Alegre: ArtMed.
Prati, L. E. (2014). Academic plagiarism. In: Scientific Production Manual (1 ed., p. 109-124). Porto Alegre: Penso.
Prati, L. E., Haack, K. R., & Cielo, R. (2014). Promoting health: chat meetings with teenagers. In: Working with adolescents: theory and psychological intervention.(1 ed, p. 210-223). Porto Alegre: Artmed.
Schein, S., & Prati, L. E. (2014). Therapeutic proposals for Teens Psychoactive Substance Users. In: Working with adolescents: theory and psychological intervention.(1 ed,p. 270-292). Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2014.
Prati, L. E., & Koller, S. H. (2012) Family therapist practice in Brazil. In: Family Psychology: Theory, assessment and interventions. (1 ed., p. 264-280). Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.
Prati, L. E. (2011) Servizi di salute mentale: macchinari di soggettivazione In: L’avventura delle diferenza. Sistemi di pensiero e pratiche sociali. (1 ed., p. 167-182). Napoli, It: Liguori Editora.
Prati, L. E., & Koller, S. H. (2008). Challenges of training in family therapy: The view of the trainers. In: Family therapy in Brazil in the Last Decade.(1 ed., p. 91-98). São Paulo: Roca.