“It is important to emphasize the importance of awareness, acceptance and understanding as prerequisites to CHANGE.”
“Ma cosa significa sviluppo salutare del sistema? Cosa può essere salutare per questo sistema familiare? Come si può sapere se quello che io considero salutare lo sarà effettivamente per questa famiglia?”
Eschiletti Prati (2011) Servizi di salute mentale: macchinari di soggettivazione. In: Pietro Barbetta. L’Aventura delle differenze (p.179). Napoli: Liguori Editore.
“To summarize, a metacommunicational axiom of the pragmatics of communication can be postulated: one cannot not communicate.”
Watzlavick, Bavelas, Jackson, & O’Hanlon (2011) Pragmatics of the human communication (p. 32). Norton & company.
Alternative Stories
“Insofar as the desirable outcome of therapy is the generation of alternative stores that incorporate vital and previously neglected aspects of lived experience, and insofar as these stories incorporate alternative knowledges, it can be argued that the identification of and the provision of the space for the performance of these knowledges is a central focus of the therapeutic endeavor.”
White, M. & Epston, D. (1990) Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends. (p. 31) Adelaide, South Australia: Norton.
Social Construction
“We shape the world in which we live, thereby creating our own ‘reality’ withing a context of a community of others. (…) This narrative or sense of self arises not only through discourse with others, but is our discourse with others.”
Lax, W. (2008) Postmodern thinking in a Clinical Practice. In S. McNamee & K. Gergen (Eds.) Therapy as Social Construction. (p. 71). Los Angeles: Sage.
Meaning in Life
“(…) following a traumatic event, people are thought to engage in a struggle to reconcile the immediate, situational meaning of the event with the more enduring, global meaning that corresponds with meaning in life (…) When people are forced to revise their global meaning in the face of trauma, it is called accommodation”
Steger, M. (2012). Making Meaning in Life. Psychology Inquiry, 23, 381-385.
Von Foerster’s Idea
The Ethical Imperative! “Act always so as to increase the number of choices.”. A preferred form is “I always act so as to increase the number of choices”.