Curriculum Vitae

2009 Ph.D. in Psychology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS),       Brazil, with temporary internship at Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy.
2005 M.S. in Social and Institutional Psychology, Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil.
2003 Advanced specialist in Couple Therapy, Domus – Centro de Terapia de Casal e Família, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2000 Specialist in Couples and Family Therapy, Domus – Centro de Terapia de
Casal e Família, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
1999 Residency in Psychology, Mental Research Institute (MRI), Palo Alto, CA, USA.
1998 Specialist In Domestic Violence against children and adolescents,
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil.
1997 B.A. In Psychology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS),         Brazil.

Professional Membership
2016 – APA Member
2015 – IFTA Member
2007 – ISSBD Member
2008 – 2009 Participant at deliberative Board and Audit Committee of Association of Family Therapy at Rio Grande do Sul, AGATEF
1998 – 2015 Licensed Psychologist at Regional Counsel of Psychology, CRP
2001 – 2015 Partner holder in the Association of Family Therapy in Rio Grande do Sul, AGATEF

2014 – 2015 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil.
Adjunct Professor (Psychology) and Coordinator of a Psychology Services                     at CERLAP (Multi-professional Clinic that treats Cleft Lip and Palate)
2006 – 2015 Faculdades Integradas de Taquara (FACCAT), Brazil.
Associated Professor (Psychology); Coordinator and supervisor at a                               Clinical Training Psychology Services (CESEP)
1998 – 2015 Psychologist and Family therapist, Private practice, Brazil.
2013 – 2014  Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil.
Invited Professor (Family and Therapy Specialization Course)
2001 – 2010 Domus – Family and couples therapy center, Brazil.
Fellow Psychologist and invited professor (Family Therapy Course)
2009 – 2011 Faculdade de Tecnologia (FTEC), Brazil.
Assistant Professor (several courses); Coordinator of CEO (Careers and                         Opportunities services)
2000 – 2003 Santa Inês School, Brazil.
School Psychologist

Teaching Activities
Specialization Courses
History and dynamics of Family Relations (2013/1, UNISINOS)
Introduction on Domestic Violence: myths and concepts (2000/2, DOMUS)
Methodology (2011/2, 2012/1, FACCAT)
Methodology in writings in Psychology (2005/2, 2006/1, 2007/1,2008/1,2008/2, DOMUS)
Narrative therapy (2001/2, 2002/2, DOMUS)
Practice in Family Therapy (2014/1, UNISINOS)
Practice in Mental Health Promotion in School (2012/2, 2013/1, FACCAT)
Practice in Prevention of chemical dependence in community context (2013/1, 2014/1, FACCAT)
Practice in Prevention of chemical dependence in School (2012/2, 2013/1, FACCAT)
Practice in Psychological Evaluation in School Context (2013/1, FACCAT)
Psychological Evaluation in School Context (2012/2, FACCAT)
Psychopathology (2005/2, 2006/2, 2007/2, 2008/2 DOMUS)
Vulnerabilities and in Risk populations (2011/2, 2013/1, FACCAT)

Undergraduate Courses
Auditory in Human Resources (2010/2, FTEC)
Community Psychology (2009/2, 2010/1, 2014/1, FACCAT)
Educational and School Psychology I (2014/2, 2015/1, PUCRS)
Educational and School Psychology II (2015/1, PUCRS)
Family Psychology II (2008/2, FACCAT)
Fundamentals and Techniques of Interview (2014, PUCRS)
Group Processes (2011/1, FACCAT)
Group Psychology (2014/2, 2015/1, PUCRS)
History of Psychological Theories and Systems (2006/2, 2007/1,2007/2, 2008/2, 2009/2, 2010/2, 2011/2 2012/1, 2013/1, FACCAT)
Human Beings and vulnerabilities (2013/1, FACCAT)
Human behavior in Retail Stores (2009/1, 2009/2, FTEC)
Humanistics theories and Techniques (2007/2, 2009/1, 2010/2, FACCAT)
Knowledge management (2010/2, FTEC)
Leadership Styles (2009/1, 2009/2, 2010/1,2010/2, FTEC)
Management information to Human Resources (2009/1, 2009/2, FTEC)
Management positions, careers and remuneration (2009/1, FTEC)
Practice Seminar in School Psychology (2015/1, PUCRS)
Practice Seminar in Amplified Psychology (2014, PUCRS)
Practice in Psychology – observation trainee program (2007 – 2013, FACCAT)
Practice in Psychopathology (2014, 2015/1, PUCRS)
Psychological Attention in Mental Health (2014/1, FACCAT)
Psychology applied to nutrition (2014/1, PUCRS)
Psychology applied to odontology (2014/1, PUCRS)
Psychology applied to physiotherapy (2015/1, PUCRS)
School Psychology (2006/1, 2008/1, 2009/2, 2010/2, 2011/2, 2013/2,2014/2 FACCAT)
Social Psychology (2010/1, 2010/2, 2011/1, 2013/1, 2013/2, FACCAT)
Systemic Theories and Interventions (2014/2, 2015/1, PUCRS)